


Estar presente na vida é amar eternamente.

Fernando Lapolli

15 comentários:

Rogério G.V. Pereira disse...

Nada de mais acertado se ajustaria ao que estou passando...
(estou aqui porque uma gaivota recomendou que cá viesse!)

Janita disse...

Sem dúvida um Pensamento cheio de sabedoria.

Um abraço e uma boa noite.

Anete disse...

Uma boa reflexão. Jesus é a Vida verdadeira e ela é eterna...
Boa terça-feira... Bjs

Tais Luso de Carvalho disse...

Também gostei, só pelo fato de estarmos vivos, num mundo maravilhoso, nessa dádiva concedida, é uma felicidade, e pessoas felizes, amam.
Beijo, Elvira!
Boa semana.

Os olhares da Gracinha! disse...

É mesmo!!! Bj

Fatyly disse...

Tal e qual!

Beijos e um bom dia

António disse...

Sem dúvida!
Abraço, saúde.

Pedro Coimbra disse...

São poucas as pessoas que sabemos estar mesmo presentes na nossa vida.

Maria João Brito de Sousa disse...

Concordo a 100% com este pensamento de Lapolli!

Abraço, Elvira!

chica disse...

Bem verdade,Elvira! bjs, chica

Edum@nes disse...

Sendo eterno não terá fim,
o que não acontece com a vida
do que pior antes seja assim
tenha uma boa noite amiga Elvira.

Toninho disse...

Perfeito querida Elvira.
Haja amor.

Ailime disse...

Boa noite Elvira,
Profundo e belo este pensamento.

Roselia Bezerra disse...

Boa tarde de paz, querida amiga Elvira!
O Amor é tudo em nossa vida.
Deus é Amor.
Tenha dias abençoados!
Bjm carinhoso e fraterno de paz e bem



This is an open invitation to everyone that is interested in becoming part of the world's biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. As we begin this year's recruitment program and our annual feast of harvest is almost at hand, so we decide to introduce you to the "New World Order".

At this point, we're assuring anyone who is ready and faithful to become a member of this great organization, that once he/she becomes a full member of the Illuminati brotherhood then will automatically become rich, powerful and be famous in life and achieve all their heart desires and also receive a monthly salary of $500,000 USD. We are ready to change your life, we can make your dreams come true.

The great Illuminati district offers you a life time opportunity of making your heart desires come true. I believe everyone on this planet "Earth" knows about the ILLUMINATI, but for those that don't know much about this Organization, I'll brief you about it. The Illuminati is a secret society that bless man kind and fulfill his/her dreams of becoming a millionaire, billionaire and also promote their various business. At this moment, I believe you've know more about this organization and there's no reason to be afraid of anything.

I'm not here to mess with you or play games with you because as it stands now there are lot's of people out there who Impersonate us, claiming to be members of the ILLUMINATI. So the Brotherhood then comes to conclusion of Globalizing this organization in order to help those who are actually ready to become part of this Great Family and those that were misleads by Impostors. Now i believe this is your opportunity to join our prestigious Organization and make yourself and your family proud.

If you're interested in joining this Great Organization, then contact our Grand Lodge at Pennslyvania, USA via our official Email: